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Bugaboo Cameleon3 Plus Classic Pushchair, Dark Navy

Bugaboo Cameleon3 Plus Classic Pushchair, Dark Navy

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Bugaboo Cameleon3 Plus Classic Pushchair Dark Navy

Brand: Bugaboo

List Price: £859.00

Price Range: £709.00 - £709.00

from 1 retailers

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(£709.00 + £FREE p&p)

This iconic 3rd generation Cameleon from Bugaboo is a multi terrain pushchair offering versatility and style, seamlessly adapting to your journey. This Cameleon 3 Classic Edition pushchair is the complete package, ideal for newborns through to toddlers. This classic design offers a timeless palatte of muted shades, sophisticated patterns and soft fabrics. What's included Pushchair base unit with a carrycot and seat unit frame One base and one frame that can be easily converted from lie flat carrycot mode to seated mode. Iconic Bugaboo fabrics Simply attach the fabrics for either the carrycot or the seat onto one frame, saving you space and time, and making for the perfect coordinated travel system. Accessories Raincover and shopping basket. Key features 1. Have the small wheels in front to navigate tight city street, enabling easy one handed 360 turns, smooth turning and a steady, stable and comfortable ride. 2. Or put wheels to the back by releasing the handle bar and pushing it to the other side for a smoother ride on rougher terrain. 3. Remove the smaller wheels and put the larger wheels to the front to convert into a two wheeler for sand and snow. A fresh, white microfleece lining with a black leather look handblebar and carry handle Unique 3 in 1 design adapts to car seats, reversible carrycot and reversible seat. The 3 position reclinable seat adjusts to suit the mood of your little one. Sit up straight when awake, recline when relaxed, or lie flat when asleep. Features a memory release button to allow one handed release of carrycot or seat. Light and compact for easy lifting and storage, the compact modular folding mechanism collapses the pushchair easily into two lightweight pieces. Self standing seat and carrycot to sit independently on the ground perfect for picnics and days out. The rotating carry handle allows for easy and quick access to your child and the click and go buttons allows you to adjust the seat position, set the brake and the handle height in one simple step. The handlebars on this limited edition are hand stitched with a sleek, leather look. There are three wheel set ups to choose from Car seat compatibility Please note Different car seats require different adaptors. Please consult the Bugaboo website for a detailed breakdown of which adaptors are required for your chosen car seat. Cybex Cloud Q, Cybex Cloud Q, BB Confort Pebble, BeSafe iZi Go Modular, BeSafe iZiGo, BeSafe iZiSleep, Cybex Aton 4, Cybex Aton 5, Cybex Aton Q, Cybex Aton Q ISize, Kiddy Evoluna Isize, Kiddy Evolution Pro2, Maxi Cosi Cabriofix, Maxi Cosi Pebble, Maxi Cosi Pebble Plus, Britax Rmer Baby Safe Plus II, Britax Rmer Baby Safe Plus SHR II. Accessories sold separately Bugaboo tailored fabric pack, Bugaboo Wheelboard, Bugaboo Parasol, Bugaboo Cup Holder, Bugaboo Smartphone Holder.

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  • This iconic 3rd generation Cameleon from Bugaboo is a multi terrain pushchair offering versatility and style, seamlessly adapting to your journey. This Cameleon 3 Classic Edition pushchair is the complete package, ideal for newborns through to toddlers. This classic design offers a timeless palatte of muted shades, sophisticated patterns and soft fabrics. What's included Pushchair base unit with a carrycot and seat unit frame One base and one frame that can be easily converted from lie flat carrycot mode to seated mode. Iconic Bugaboo fabrics Simply attach the fabrics for either the carrycot or the seat onto one frame, saving you space and time, and making for the perfect coordinated travel system. Accessories Raincover and shopping basket. Key features 1. Have the small wheels in front to navigate tight city street, enabling easy one handed 360 turns, smooth turning and a steady, stable and comfortable ride. 2. Or put wheels to the back by releasing the handle bar and pushing it to the other side for a smoother ride on rougher terrain. 3. Remove the smaller wheels and put the larger wheels to the front to convert into a two wheeler for sand and snow. A fresh, white microfleece lining with a black leather look handblebar and carry handle Unique 3 in 1 design adapts to car seats, reversible carrycot and reversible seat. The 3 position reclinable seat adjusts to suit the mood of your little one. Sit up straight when awake, recline when relaxed, or lie flat when asleep. Features a memory release button to allow one handed release of carrycot or seat. Light and compact for easy lifting and storage, the compact modular folding mechanism collapses the pushchair easily into two lightweight pieces. Self standing seat and carrycot to sit independently on the ground perfect for picnics and days out. The rotating carry handle allows for easy and quick access to your child and the click and go buttons allows you to adjust the seat position, set the brake and the handle height in one simple step. The handlebars on this limited edition are hand stitched with a sleek, leather look. There are three wheel set ups to choose from Car seat compatibility Please note Different car seats require different adaptors. Please consult the Bugaboo website for a detailed breakdown of which adaptors are required for your chosen car seat. Cybex Cloud Q, Cybex Cloud Q, BB Confort Pebble, BeSafe iZi Go Modular, BeSafe iZiGo, BeSafe iZiSleep, Cybex Aton 4, Cybex Aton 5, Cybex Aton Q, Cybex Aton Q ISize, Kiddy Evoluna Isize, Kiddy Evolution Pro2, Maxi Cosi Cabriofix, Maxi Cosi Pebble, Maxi Cosi Pebble Plus, Britax Rmer Baby Safe Plus II, Britax Rmer Baby Safe Plus SHR II. Accessories sold separately Bugaboo tailored fabric pack, Bugaboo Wheelboard, Bugaboo Parasol, Bugaboo Cup Holder, Bugaboo Smartphone Holder.....from John Lewis
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